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Hamburg welcomes one-millionth passenger of 2023, 45% of calls from AIDA

PHOTO: Cruise Gate Hamburg CRUISE_Hamburg_One_millionth_passenger.jpg
Family Fritzsche from MSC Euribia, Christine Beine (md Hamburg Cruise Net), Christian Hein (md MSC Cruises Germany), Jens Meier (CEO Hamburg Port Authority), Dr Peter Tschentscher (First Mayor of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg), Iris Scheel (md Cruise Gate Hamburg), Simone Maraschi (md Cruise Gate Hamburg)
Hamburg welcomed its one-millionth cruise passenger of the 2023 season on Sunday when MSC Euribia berthed at the Hanseatic city.

Well over half the passengers and 45% of all calls in Hamburg this year are from AIDA Cruises ships.

AIDA’s winter sailing from Hamburg

It’s been seven years since AIDA began offering European city winter cruises from/to Hamburg. In winter 2023/24 AIDAnova is deployed AIDA’s largest ship so far on the itinerary which alternates between major cities along the west coast until February and to Norway and Denmark until May 2024.

On Sunday AIDAnova was supplied LNG for the first time in the port and during the next visit to Hamburg on November 18, 2023, ship and shoreside integration tests will take place with AIDAnova at the new shore power installation at Cruise Center Steinwerder.

Prior to this, the first live tests with a cruise ship were carried out with AIDAprima last week.

In addition to AIDAnova, AIDAmar set sail on Sunday on a round-trip Hamburg 21-day cruise via Spain and Madeira/Portugal to the Canary Islands. This will be followed by three 43-day voyages from/to Hamburg to the Caribbean and back through to April 10.


Meanwhile AIDAsol departed Hamburg last month on its first 117-day world voyage. On her return AIDAsol will sail 17-day and 14-day cruises to Northen Norway.